Originally Posted by Trapped
Thanks for your response, and I don't necessarily want to focus in on the one thing you said that I disagree with, but it's been a couple days and I keep feeling to return to this point.
My guess is you meant well with the comment I underlined, but based on my own experience it just comes too close to sounding like "if you can't forgive then the problem is you" for me to let it pass.
I too struggle with forgiving those who hurt me decades ago, thru endless lies damaging both my reputation and permanent injury to those I love. Those who have never been hurt so deeply can all too easily comment on others who have.
Trapped, hopefully you can understand my thought here. I view forgiveness almost like I view marriage. Marriage is a decision for life, filled with all sorts of feelings -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Marriage is a decision made once for all. You enter assuming there is no exit. Same with the decision to forgive. I decided to forgive certain ones long ago because it was the right thing to do. It was commanded by God, and it was healthy for my life. That doesn't mean that I will ever forget the pain, or be blind to the damages still to this day. In eternity I will still remember what happened to me, and that He also forgave me because I forgave others. In a sense I have tasted a bit of the pain He endured as He forgave us all. Forgiveness means that I forgave them, I released them from their debts. I obeyed Him who said, "vengeance is mine, I will repay." I also do my best to cope with the present pains thru His grace. Hopefully, like marriage, there will be good times, but regardless I will never "unforgive." And just because I still have memories and pain in my heart from time to time, does not mean I have not forgiven them. Forgiveness is not forgetfulness. Forgiveness is the release of the debts they owe me, and the release of those debts owed brings freedom and the Father's smile.