Originally Posted by UntoHim
Touche, Harold, touche! Still off topic! 
Let's get back to "I need a church life that isn't led astry!!!".
Sorry about that. I got distracted by prayer methodology.
But why compare the local church to the Cargo Cults when a better comparison might be with the church in Corinth.
Way back in the early days of the development of gentile churches Paul was doing his darnedest to keep the churches from going astray.
I think with Nee, and his private sexual life, the local church went way beyond the failings of the church in Corinth.
And also, because of Lee's sons, the local church under Lee, in America and before, went way beyond the failings of Corinth.
But I'm with Sons to Glory : "trying to find something with humans involved and without warts --> well good luck with that!"
I would go even further. The term "The Lord's Recovery," strikes a chord with Christians seeking the New Testament expression of the church. It sounds good.
Both Nee and Lee thought they accomplished that with one church one city ; like that recovered the whole spirit of the primitive early church ; "job well done" and finished.
But what they recovered was the church in Corinth, and its failings, more than anything else.
And if Paul was having such problems in the early church, what do you think about churches today? Most are just social clubs, with no interest in the early church.
But now we know. byHismercy has his answer. He should move to Scottsdale.