Originally Posted by awareness
But God hasn't set up such a combination lock type system.
Jesus said, "When you pray, pray in this manner..." I'll take Jesus' formula over yours. Your cargo-cult objections notwithstanding.
Doesn't mean we HAVE to pray in this manner. But Jesus gave us a pretty good template, if we want one. And nowhere in the subjequent text do I see anyone say, "That formula is now null & void". So I daresay it had currency beyond the gospels. Like the writer of the Didache.
Originally Posted by awareness
God's system is a matter of the heart and mind.
God's system is Jesus. Only Jesus had/has the heart and mind that matter to God. Yours doesn't and neither does mine.
Now, if God didn't raise Jesus from the dead, if it's all a hoax, then there's that. But I believe. So there it is. It's his faith, not mine. His faith in me. His spirit come to me, not mine to his.