Originally Posted by Raptor
I believe the principles behind the ToL and the TKGE and their significance are very enlightening, fundamental, and useful to understand our christian walk and the way God takes to accomplish His heart's desire. But the problem I see is people using these principles by reducing them to a simple slogan and twisting them, craftily misapplying them to situations in ways that either blatantly or subtly contradict Godīs word.
I definitely agree. For years I heard this kind of talk and inwardly processed it as "Don't sweat the small stuff." As some have said, "The main thing is to keep the Main Thing the main thing."
Then, after 30 years as a loyal foot-soldier in the recovery believing that Lee and LSM were as "
pure as the driven snow," I learned what really happened after the "New Way." How John Ingalls and others were only trying to protect the saints from the likes of that predator Philip Lee, and how WL had always protected his reprobate boys, and then smeared the reputations of any man of God who would stand up for the Lord and His people.