Originally Posted by Weighingin
Addressing the Father first in prayer as many practice may have evolved from the Lord's Prayer:." Pray in this way; Our Father, who art in heaven , hallowed be thy name."
Thanks you for all the experiences and warnings. If Revelation 2 and 3 signify the conditions that churches can be in throughout the NT age, we need all the help and shepa ding we can get from the Lord and His children.
This is true. Jesus told the people Jewish people to pray "Our Father Who art in heaven'. Btw.. I pray this prayer often myself. I meditate on it and chew on it. That said..
Think about how weird and what a turn off it would be if Jesus told them 'Pray to ME to get to the Father." Keep in mind too.. Jesus had not yet been crucified, died, buried, resurrected and Glorifed when He taught them how to pray.
Remember also.. the Jewish people were still under the Mosaic law.. Do this.. Do that.. Do not do this.. Do not do that. Do not eat this..be circumcised..Keep the Sabbath.
Did those poor people really know how to pray? They often went to the the priests with their sacrifices so they would be reconciled to God.
When He revealed to His disciples He IS the WAY to get to the Father, He did not tell the whole world! When He sent them another Comforter, the Holy Spirit, the Jews especially had to learn to walk in the Spirit..learn how to pray. On the other hand, the gentiles did not know 'the law'. They did not have to worry about circumcision as the Jews did. Imagine the poor Jewish men who before the death and resurrection of Christ had to be circumcised under the law.. Then by the power of the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the outward circumcision meant nothing to God. It was the circumcision of the heart that mattered to God.
In Hebrews, God through Paul is cautioning who?? THE CONVERTED JEWS.. not to go back to the Mosaic law.. Jesus entered the holy place once for all, and not through the blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood,
He tells them the Blood of Christ,
through the ETERNAL SPIRIT
will cleanse their conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Something the blood of goats and calves, bulls and animal sacrifices, burnt offerings etc could NOT do.
Btw.. although I love Hebrews..and it does speak to me, it is addressed to the HEBREWS, THE JEWS..THE CONVERTED JEWS. But did Lee teach that? The MOTA of motas?? Also the book of James begins by addressing the 12 tribes who are scattered abroad.. So is it written to the gentiles?? Unless we know with certainty what Jewish tribe we are from, James is not addressing the converted gentiles. He is addressing the converted Jews.
Just saying...food for thought.. while I am still learning to rightly divide the Word of Truth.

And btw.. we sure need all the help we can get from the Holy Spirit and God's beloved children walking in Love, Truth and Wisdom though Jesus Christ.