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Old 07-06-2019, 08:48 PM   #88
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Wow - thanks for sharing this! I was not so familiar with Bill Johnson and the New Apostolic Reformation (or whatever it's called). But I certainly know people who are basically agreeing with this teaching regarding God always healing ALL the time. The brother presenting the video, Mike Winger, seems to do a real good job here.

The idea that we only have to look at what Jesus did in the gospels as the foundation for the "Jesus always healed, so this is God's perfect will ALL the time" has been promoted by these ones. And I have to say that I was leaning that way too. In fact, I have often said, "Jesus is the clearest image we have of the invisible God."

It appears we may be seeing much more of this so-called NAR movement, as I think it looks quite seductive. (even desiring worldwide revival - if apart from Him - is still apart from Him!) Praise God for His full revelation and thanks again for sharing that link!
I know who Bill Johnson is. I've been around the 'Christian' block. Been to Baptist services, Pentecostal Services, Apostolic pentecostal', Church of Christ Charismatic and Word of Faith. I also grew up Catholic. Truth be told, my time in the LC while short lived (Glory to God) was where I truly learned how to pray. While pray reading may not have been a perfect way of praying, it taught me to pray God's Word back to Him. The foundation for me to grow, to be sanctified, to fellowship came from there.

WOF taught me to deepen my Faith. But that is ALL! The 7 letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3 reveal the condition of today's church. Most are luke warm and there is a lot of deception. One of my personal prayers is 'LORD JESUS. Do not let me deceived by every wind of doctrine that is out there. Thank You. Amen'

I don't know that Jesus ALWAYS healed every sick person. There is a reason those He did are documented in the gospels. It seems the Jews were always looking for signs and wonders. And even when Jesus did heal and raise the dead, few truly believed and followed Him. (Isn't it interesting that Revelation foretells the AC will be performing signs and wonders convincing people especially the Jews to believe he is the messiah?

Incidentally, my body has been riddled with Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2001. At the same time for 7 long years I bled like a broken bloody water main break. Why I did not die, was only because God did not allow me to die. I was told early on I needed a hysterectomy. No way was I going to get one when I could barely walk and was in excruciating pain from the RA. 7 yrs later when I was experiencing severe vertigo, a wise doctor told me I simply needed a fibroid embolization procedure which zapped them damned fibroids. That cured me from no longer hemmoraging.

Twice after that I almost died from a blood infection. The last one was this past March. I was taken to the ER and had emergency surgery. I was in the hospital 2 weeks. All along I have been faithful and full of Love for the LORD. Never a debbie downer.

I had people lay hands on me, pray over me to be healed many, many times over. I spoke healing scriptures over me.. but I am still struggling with my health. However I am a happy pappy.. full of optimism. When I am really, really ill, I don't pretend I am well. I thank God for the 'good' days I have.

Now.. that said, this crappy disease has helped me get to know the LORD deeply. Had I not come down with it, I don't know how committed I would be. In a way, I am thankful that this horrific disease has brought me closer to Jesus, to His Spirit, to Father God but I am not happy I have it! No sirreee be bob! UH UH! NOPEY DOPEY!!

GOD BLESS YOU STG and everyone on this forum that is shedding LIGHT in the darkness of religion.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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