Originally Posted by countmeworthy
Which leads me to ask.. how do most of you address your prayers? Most Christians I know including pastors pray ' Oh GOD  Father etc in the name of Jesus'. I think that kind of prayer has it place but truth be told AND HELP ME OUT HERE friends, I get the sense they don't really know Jesus Christ.
If Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man can go to the Father but by Him, why do so many people skip Him in their prayers and pray directly to 'God'?  This has been bothering me for years and years. So I am seeking your insights. Thanks in advance.
It's a good question and a tough one to answer.
I've heard some say that those that only pray to Jesus do not know God our Father. It goes both ways...
Personally, I address our Father in prayer. Often times I do speak to the Lord Jesus but it's usually in a more casual sense of prayer if that makes sense. However, I have never addressed the Holy Spirit in prayer.
I believe when scripture speaks about praying "through Jesus", it doesn't mean there is a hierarchal order that must be followed in prayer. It just means that our prayers should be directed to the Father through faith in Jesus Christ by the leading of the Holy Spirit. All are involved.
John 16:23
"In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name."