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Old 07-06-2019, 08:09 PM   #85
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!

Originally Posted by byHismercy View Post
And one other brothers YouTube channel I really appreciate is a fellow named Kevin, Beyondthefundamentals. All the content I've seen from him is refutation of calvinism stuff. The Lord finds a way to minister His truth into us, faithful Father He is! I would totally read the bible and fellowship with you, Carol. That would be awesome.
I never paid attention or knew what Calvinism was/is... but understanding the different dispensations and how God spoke, long ago to the fathers through the prophets in many portions and in many ways, (to the iSRAELITES in the OT) 2 in these last days has spoken to us in His Son (to the converted Jews and gentiles) has given me clarity in interpreting God's Word.

For example... When I signed on to this forum I signed on as countmeworthy. Luke 21:36 'spoke' to me. I did not want to be left behind if the rapture happened. I am not sure I even understood the difference between the rapture and the second coming. I could be wrong but Lee never clarified the difference. I understand and have for a long time now, the rapture is Jesus calling us to meet Him in the air ( 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) The 7 yr trib then begins and then JESUS returns WITH His armies so that every eye will see Him at the battle of Armageddon. That is His second coming. So His return is divided into 2 events, the rapture for His Blood washed church and at the battle of Armageddon He returns with His saints.

It took me a long time to understand that in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus is preaching/addressing the Jews only not to the gentiles. The church does not exist yet. Yet we certainly have gained a LOT from the gospels as the Jews do not read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. AND some of the passages in the gospel are written to me/us. Some people believe the Jews will read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews and James after the rapture.

When He is speaking about His return in Matthew 24 and in other passages, He is not addressing the rapture. I never understood what Jesus was saying in John 10:16 when He said: I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd.

For as long as I had read the bible, I believed the Word was written to 'me' and to the gentile church. That is not the case though.

Some of it is written to us, but a lot of it is written to the JEWS especially the OT. That said the bible is written for all of us to read, study and LEARN to rightly divide the WORD of Truth. (2 timothy 2:15)

These teachers (pastors) I mentioned, Charles Lawson, Gene Kim, Robert Breaker are overall very good teachers but they are dogmatic KJ ONLY people giving compelling explanation why it is the ONLY TRUE bible.

I am not a KJ only person. i get more clarity from reading the NASB. But I do use the KJ as well. See.. when I first came to the LC in 1975 we were using the KJ and NASB.

It's not a big deal to me because what is most important is knowing intimately the Father, knowing intimately the Son, God's Word Who became flesh and knowing intimately God the Holy Spirit. Also it is of utmost importance we apply the Blood of Jesus daily. I have also studied the scriptures on the Blood of the Lamb and have experienced the protection, the cleansing and the sanctifying power it has.

Btw, Only in the last 10 yrs have I come to intimately speak and address and know the HOLY SPIRIT.

From the time I got saved through the LC gang, I addressed all my prayers to the LORD JESUS. Today I can sense in my spirit when to address the Father, when to address the LORD JESUS and when to address the Holy Spirit. It's a balancing act for sure on my part. But I learned from studying the function of the Holy Spirit.

When I was in the LC we sang and talked about the LIFE GIVING SPIRIT IN US. We were taught to 'exercise our spirit' and turn to our spirit by calling 'O Lord Jesus' a gazillion times. I never asked questions. I just did what I was told to do. We also went over Galatians 2:20 till we were blue in the face in my locality. But around 2006-7 Something Watchman Nee wrote clicked with me. In a nutshell the more we commune with the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY through His Son and the Holy Spirit, the more we die to self.. that is how we are crucified with Christ. So simple!!! So very simple!!!

I am learning to do what the HOLY SPIRIT is telling me to do. I ask HIM a lot of questions now and He answers me.. most of the time He even answers me speedily and quickly!

i do address my SAVIOR Jesus more than I do Father God because Jesus said No man comes to the Father but by Him. So while I do address Father God and sometimes end my prayers 'in the Name of Jesus', I go through Jesus to get to Father God.

Which leads me to ask.. how do most of you address your prayers? Most Christians I know including pastors pray ' Oh GOD Father etc in the name of Jesus'. I think that kind of prayer has it place but truth be told AND HELP ME OUT HERE friends, I get the sense they don't really know Jesus Christ.

If Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no man can go to the Father but by Him, why do so many people skip Him in their prayers and pray directly to 'God'? This has been bothering me for years and years. So I am seeking your insights. Thanks in advance.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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