Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!
BHM - I have not read through all the replies to your post, so this might be a repeat of something someone else has already said.
What you put forth regarding your aversion to Calvinism is certainly reasonable . . . and that eventually it could plant seeds of corruption that will cause issues in your family. This may be the case, but it may also not be the case. To me, the bottom-line is that there is no perfect ekklesia out there.
But on the other hand, there are perfect gatherings! Here's what I mean: These days I am often struck by how the Lord has worked in various ones and various groups – even in the church in Rome! The Lord always has some – in whatever system - who are close to Him and seeking Him alone, even though we don’t see it. We always want someplace “perfect” in our eyes . . . that is, to have ultimate control over our circumstances and surroundings. It is a near constant struggle to let go of control and trust Him.
So my sagely advise is it comes down to hearing Him in such matters. The Anointing will guide you (“they shall all know Me”). Ask and wait.
I know several who are meeting regularly with different groups. Are these groups perfect? No. Is our group perfect? No. (But on the other hand, we and them are just fine in His eyes – He will do it!) We look to Him for the ability to love and accept each other, and to keep us from a judgmental spirit (gentle as doves; wise as serpents); and then there can be real fellowship no matter where we are.
Does that resonate?
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!