Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
This raises a host of great questions.
1. Do you believe that some people created by God will be cast into the Lake of Fire? After all that is what the Bible says.
2. Do you believe that God is omniscient? If so He had to have foreseen this.
3. Do you believe that all things came into being through Him and apart from Him nothing has come into being that exists? If so He created this person knowing the outcome. Even so God can still desire that all men be saved. That very fact suggests how difficult that is and even that it is very likely not going to happen.
4. However, if you believe all the previous Bible verses, then you can also believe that "all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to purpose".
5. Of course the most difficult question is how to reconcile a God in whom is no darkness, for whom it is impossible to lie, how can this God create creatures who are evil, filled with darkness and lie. That question has been deemed unsuitable for this forum, but you can find a very lengthy discussion on it on the "alternative views" under the thread "the problem of evil".
Oh boy. First let me say, if I find it in scripture, I believe it is Gods' true word to us all. Cannot be untrue. Every experience the Lord has ever let me into shows proof that His word is unfailingly the truth. And it seems to me, this question of evil and this matter of Lordship salvation come back to converge on the same point, that is free will. He created the angel's to be ministers to us, didn't He? And the third, of their own free will, chose to follow Satan and attempt to overthrow Gods' throne, to usurp His position, in my understanding. So they were given a choice, like we all face. Whether we will worship our Creator, Christ, or rebel.
And back to the Lordship salvation doctrine, how can our Lord, who in Him is no lie, say he desires that none should perish......but in His election reconcile some, while leaving most to perish hell forever. That doctrine makes Him a liar. Which He cannot be.