Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!
I find everyone's contribution to be truly helpful and edifying, here. Even when I find myself disagreeing it still makes me think, process, and figure out what I believe regarding some doctrines which are new to me. This whole question has been educating me on Lordship salvation ( I reject) and caused me to seek the Lord in His word which is giving me some clarity. Honestly, even when we stray from the topic I find every conversation here to be helpful, and enlightening. Remember, please, you all are kindly contributing to a person whose only Christian counsel is here on this forum. I appreciate and value this more than you might think. Not just on this topic, but everything discussed here, really. God bless all of you who care enough to donate your time and insight here. I think my own portion might be small but if it comes from Jesus then I don't despise it. It just didn't have any value to the saints in the LR because it could not be crammed into their rock solid, ridgid box. But the Lord gave divers gifts to divers ones and this conversation has encouraged me to look for this portion in others. Especially if it does not look like I expect it to. Thank you, brothers.
One last question on this Lordship I go too far to suspect this is adding to scripture? Or preaching another Jesus? Or is it maybe just a misinterpretation of scripture??
Either way, for better or worse, I am now the cautious Christian. And I praise Jesus for my new found discernment, and I completely trust Him to make my path straight. He is sovereign over that job, and cannot fail. May I and my kids be blessed to acknowledge Him in all my ways forever.