Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
This is a recurring theme on this forum. Someone on some thread shared about two verses in Proverbs that I thought was instructive. There are two proverbs one after the other, the first says "do not rebuke a fool lest you be like him" which I think is your point. The next says "rebuke a fool lest he be wise in his own deceit" which I think is Igzy's point.
If I recall correctly the way it was shared is that our first response should be the first verse unless that becomes untenable, in which case we must go to the second.
So much of what WL said was quite insulting, and you could be offended at some of the posts on this forum as also being insulting. If possible we don't want to become like that. However, once it crosses the line where believers are being stumbled, abused, slandered, and sued. Well at some point you have to rebuke the fool. Hence the need for this forum.
So what you're really trying to say, ZNPaaneah, is that Igzy and I are both fools? Right?
The more fitting Proverb to summarize what I'm trying to say is Proverbs 14:12;
"There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."