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Old 06-24-2019, 02:41 PM   #89
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Default Re: Open Letter - Dear Saints in the Lord's Recovery

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
Peter took a bold and forceful stance against injustice. To Peter his actions in protecting Jesus from harm appeared to be righteous and just but because he was more concerned about the things of men rather than the things of God, Jesus rebuked him.
So, in this case, is Peter me, or you?

To help you out, I think the case could be made both ways. And we could go around and around. But that's the last thing I'm interested in.

So let me say, yes, being involved in standing up to the LR can lead to bad feelings. But I've been involved in this effort for a long time, and my experience says that is not happening now. In fact, I'm amazed at (and frankly proud of) the civility I see.

So I'm not sure why out of the blue you thought to warn everyone the way you did. I just thought it needed some pushback. To me the time is to speak out, and I don't think that needs any dampening at the moment.
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