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Old 06-23-2019, 09:04 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: How this 2nd gen came to leave the LC

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Thus the never-ending LC disconnect -- teach things almost Biblical as a smokescreen for the most sectarian of practices. It's no wonder that the next generation took it so hard.
Ohio, "Almost Biblical" is right...if you look at the recent Chinese conference banner you might think that "individualistic thought and action are ruled out" seems spiritual. Mystical, even. You know, "Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me (Jesus)", or simply "avoid selfishness". But ignoring the fact that the Maximum Leader of the LR CLEARLY was displaying "individualistic [selfish] thought and action" with regards to his immediate family, just look at the statement itself for a minute. It's actually multi-layered cult-speak, with the deeper hidden meaning being, "Don't think". If you exercise your God-given right to critical thought in the LR, you're being "individualistic" in the LR-land.

What one sees is near-Biblical teaching used as a smokescreen for the most high-demand, sectarian, cult-like of practices, where any who may try to think get called "rebellious" or "independent" or "divisive". To survive, those who do think have to hide it behind a bland know-nothing face -- "I'm just a simple brother (or sister) loving the Lord!!!" Or as a now-Blended said when the Philip Lee affair(s) broke open, "I'm proud to be an ostrich with my head stuck in the sand!"

From the Jo Casteel FB page:

One of the larger purposes of the FTT is to get the saints used to blindly following extreme rules. It produces the cream of the crop brothers and sisters who are now fully indoctrinated with LSM's agenda and will go back to their localities and propagate the LSM mission.
Here I take "blindly" to mean thoughtlessly, uncritically, reflexively. They have parents conditioning their children from grade-school age, not to think "individualistically" but to go with the program from (book-publishing & sales) HQ.
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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