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Old 06-15-2019, 10:00 AM   #49
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Default Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
ByHisMercy is asking for an answer to a question regarding fellowship. She wouldn't be doing so if she didn't believe her concern couldn't be answered. It's true that perhaps neither you nor I can answer that question for her but God certainly can. Being content with "only God knows" is, to me, raising a white flag.
Originally Posted by aron View Post
Everyone has to figure out who to meet with, and who to avoid. My experience among those who claimed certitude has made me shy of certitude.
I too well understand about being "shy of certitude." Certitude produces pride and the accompanying arrogance that is so debilitating to fellowship.

Perhaps another more difficult issue for us ex-LCers is our affliction with judgmentalism. Having been trained for a few decades to judge all things Christian, apart from the MOTA himself, plagues us when leaving the system. I freely admit to being a recovering judgaholic.

We have been indoctrinated to place insurmountable standards on our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we should be merciful and forgiving, we are criticizing. No assembly on earth can meet our standards! Instead of researching whether some internet apologist ever had issue with some past teacher related to a nearby church, perhaps it's better just to reduce our views of "church" to those around us, and love and serve them.
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