Originally Posted by aron
The question of, Where does one draw the line, has a subjective element...
In my case, I feel LDS and JWs are 'over the line' and not genuine Christians. SDA have added the law and imposed it on the gentiles. So they are perilously close to being 'out' if in fact not already so. The LCs with their slavish attention paid to their 'apostle' who by Paul's word in Titus 1:6 and 1 Tim 3:4 doesn't even qualify to be an 'elder' in a local church are also perilously close to being 'out'. But who can really say who is 'out' and who is 'in'? I am thinking of the story where the reaping angels gather the wheat and the chaff is thrown away, and the 'wheat' is in the "Wedding Feast" and suddenly the Master comes into the feast and says to one 'wheat', "Who are you? Where is your garment?" and the one accosted is silent and ashamed. ~Matt 22:11-14
My point is, we can't really tell. If the reaping angels bring in the wrong ones, how much more will we! Just be merciful to everyone, and let God sort things out. But obviously keep yourselves from the wolves. Some people don't give the benefit of the doubt. But only God knows for sure.
But there's another aspect here, and that is ruined human lives being restored. Jesus did it, Peter did it after Pentecost, and we have that aspiration to follow. The Assembly is not merely a P & W session, or a 'training' to indoctrinate ones into somebody's ideas... its focus is on glorifying the King by visiting the sick, the weak and the prisoners. By aiding the proverbial widows and orphans.
If the children in our care see us exhibiting genuine love toward those in need, giving to those who can't repay us in this age, it will enhance their walk with God. It's all about helping the other guy - the supposed 'other' is in fact part of 'us', and 'us' is as close to God as it gets. Remember the gospels: love God and love your neighbour is as great as any command ever given. The Assembly is an opportunity to collectively experience and show this love. Not just to those who seem lovable, but especially that 'those who lack would be shown more abundant honour'.
To me, after confessing Jesus as Lord, and keeping myself from sin, the most important thing is to be a vehicle for God's outpoured love. When Peter looked down at the beggar man and said, "Silver and gold I have none, but this I have - in the name of Jesus rise and walk!!" this is the 'sign' that Peter is following Jesus. God's love reached Peter, and now God's love is flowing through Peter into the streets. Really, there is nothing else. Without this love, teachings are empty. Only love will endure.