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Old 06-11-2019, 07:09 PM   #40
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Default Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
I understand that Mormon theology is out there, I don't argue with that. But to someone outside of the LC's, their theology can look the same way. It's all a matter of perspective.

At it's core, becoming "God-men" isn't much different from what Mormonism teaches aside from perhaps being a bit less colorful in it's presentation. So where exactly is the edge? Both groups can effectively defend their positions with scripture. Is the edge merely subjective or is extra biblical revelation itself the edge, no matter the form?

The Mormons have a 100 year head start so they are definitely further down the cliff but I believe both fell as soon as they embraced unique revelation.

With that said, ByHisMercy, I can't really tell you what to do in regards to new fellowship. What I do know is, the thing that gets many people involved with groups such as the Local Churches is loneliness or fear of being alone. That's all too human, nothing wrong with wanting community (which the LC's do well enough) but when your main driving force is social desire, isn't the root of your search for fellowship a wanting to be served rather than to serve?

I'd humbly suggest continue seeking God with all your strength and wanting to serve others first and foremost. Then I believe the Lord will lead you into the fellowship he intends for you to be apart of.
I don't know if social desire is my driving force. Socially, I would rather put it this way....if I were an animal, I would be a clam. In a closed shell. With a sign. It reads ``KEEP OUT. Mind your business and leave me to mine."

However, Jesus ask of me that I not forsake the assembling together with His body. So I would rather obey Him than my own preferences. Because I want to remain in His will for me, and receive the blessing. I've become accustomed to it. :-)

And I do have a desire to serve His body and others. I mean, there is not much love in my way, is there? Today I read that love is to keep His commandments. 2nd John vs. 6. So although it is plain to myself and probably others that I lack in love, maybe He will account me love if I obey....which is good news to me. I don't have much faith in my equipping unto that, but I will that I would.

But that doesn't make me any less wary as to doctrinal error.....I feel very much on guard, you know?
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