Originally Posted by byHismercy
I agree with Aron as to the LC dancing near the edge of the precipice whilst the Mormon church has fallen off the cliff with their lineage of gods, god fathers, god grandfathers and on and on. But regarding adding to scripture they have both erred.
Which brings me back to the reformed assembly. Isn't saying that God has elected some, His chosen, and the rest of mankind, the vast majority in fact, are without chance of salvation....absolutely without hope of avoiding hell, isn't that an addition? I just don't see it in scripture. And if it is an addition, should I have anything to do with it? It may be that it doesn't divide or separate the believers, but it seems like an awfully slippery slope to play near, in my opinion. Especially coming out of the LC.
I understand that Mormon theology is out there, I don't argue with that. But to someone outside of the LC's, their theology can look the same way. It's all a matter of perspective.
At it's core, becoming "God-men" isn't much different from what Mormonism teaches aside from perhaps being a bit less colorful in it's presentation. So where exactly is the edge? Both groups can effectively defend their positions with scripture. Is the edge merely subjective or is extra biblical revelation itself the edge, no matter the form?
The Mormons have a 100 year head start so they are definitely further down the cliff but I believe both fell off as soon as they embraced unique revelation.
With that said, ByHisMercy, I can't really tell you what to do in regards to new fellowship. What I do know is, the thing that gets many people involved with groups such as the Local Churches is loneliness or fear of being alone. That's all too human, nothing wrong with wanting community (which the LC's do well enough) but when your main driving force is social desire, isn't the root of your search for fellowship a wanting to be served rather than to serve?
I'd humbly suggest continue seeking God with all your strength and wanting to serve others first and foremost. Then I believe the Lord will lead you into the fellowship he intends for you to be a part of.