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Old 06-10-2019, 10:26 PM   #34
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!

Originally Posted by byHismercy View Post
This is the scary part. There are a few groups that I have been made familiar with who I think are holding forth another jesus, another spirit, another gospel. In some cases it is so obvious. In other cases, it is not so clear. What if I am not sure?
If you are not so clear then try to give the benefit of the doubt. God can make things clear. One must always be cautious, and when caring for vulnerable children even moreso. But one must also be cautious to pass hasty judgment. Because we also are being judged. So show mercy! But I get ahead of myself, here...
Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
about discerning between those that confess Jesus as Lord but are not confessing the correct Jesus. Can I ask, how do you personally discern "those that claim they are Jews and are not"? Do you base your discernment on words, works, both or...?
Obvious cases who "claim they are Jews but are not":

~David Koresh and Branch Davidians. Koresh started with the Southern Baptists, then SDA, then took over the Branch Davidians.
~Black Israel. They believe that Jesus was black and they are the true Israelites. They love to remonstrate with others over Hebrew words and keeping the law.
~Mormon Polygamists. All Mormons, for that matter. I don't greet them in the streets, I just move on.
~Moses David Berg and the Children of God/Family. Started as "Teens for Christ" in 1968, believe it or not.
~Rastafarians. They think that Haile Selassie was God incarnate.
~Unification Church. They think that Sun Myung Moon was God incarnate.
~[LC spin-off]Eastern Lightning. They think that God is a Chinese woman who failed her university exams and had a nervous breakdown and identity crisis. Hey! Maybe she's God incarnate! Yeah! That's it! (Nah)
~Jim Jones and Peoples Temple. Jones started as a Methodist, then became a charismatic Pentecostal, then started his own spin-off group in San Francisco.
~Elizabeth Clare Prophet. She grew up with parents in Lutherans' and Catholics' faith traditions, then was exposed to Christian Science, then started her own New Age "Path to Christ-hood" called Summit Lighthouse.
~Heavens Gate cult: Jesus was supposedly coming on the Hale Bopp comet.
~JWs, etc, etc... one must draw the line somewhere.... God eventually makes clear (to me) who to avoid. Otherwise I'd try to give folks the benefit of the doubt, to start anyway. Peter at one point denied Jesus, but Jesus had mercy. So I need to follow Jesus and try to show mercy. If they are trying to acknowledge Christ, try to acknowledge them.

Jude v. 3 says, "Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God's holy people." But vv. 22,23 say, "And indeed, have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them from the fire; and to still others, show mercy tempered with fear, hating even the clothing stained by the flesh." In other words, those who show mercy will be shown mercy. ~Matt 5:7 Just like Jesus taught, surprise, surprise...

My current criteria are that there should be words (confess Jesus as Lord) and there should also be works (humility, eagerness to learn, showing love to those who are without). I try to be patient and kind, if possible, but there are some who are best to avoid (see list above). And if caring for young children, even moreso! Keep them safe!

There are some borderline cases like Seventh Day Adventists and Christian Scientists that may be genuinely "Christian" but I don't spend time on them. I don't judge them but I'm not going to spend my time in fruitless argument and/or outreach over abstract formulations. But my point here is that if someone's nominally "Christian" I should try to find common ground, and fellowship, and opportunity mutual experience and expression. This is my job as one who confesses Jesus Christ. But there are clearly lines drawn - who to avoid. Be wise like a serpent, guile-less like a dove. Try to find the good and avoid the egregiously bad.

Back in the first century you just hung out with Peter and John if you wanted to be safe. Or be with those whom John received/approved. Now we don't have that simplicity.

(The above list was a bit tongue-in-cheek, as these groups are not where most wouldn't want to end up. But that's the point - start with obvious cases and move toward 'iffy' ones. And remember that they all either started out Christian or claimed to...)
"Freedom is free. It's slavery that's so horribly expensive" - Colonel Templeton, ret., of the 12th Scottish Highlanders, the 'Black Fusiliers'
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