Originally Posted by byHismercy
The thing is my children are young and being formed. I don't think I can lead them into/promote teachings I myself feel are erroneous....I don't want them to be confused. We all pray together for their dads' salvation. What if they gave up hope? What if they started to think their dad might never come to the saving knowledge and trust in Christs' atoning work?? All they have seen in their young lives, for years, is their dads' stubborn denial of God, and his refusal to see, hear, or even acknowledge any truth which is in Jesus. What if his current state of unbelief leads them to believe he is one of the 'unchosen'. One of those not called....one of 'them'. There is so much at stake. I am responsible for their spiritual upbringing and in that sense, I am the only one. I mean, there are no other regenerated Christian's in our family, at least not whom they have any contact with or live a couple thousand miles away from. Please, anyone here feel moved to, pray for Steves' salvation. Thanks.
As an old parent and grandpa, having lived thru some of these same difficulties, I understand your concerns. Personally I believe a loving display of kindness, peace, and respect at home far outweighs some occasional misinterpretation of scripture one hour a week at church. (
Thinking about I Cor. 7.14; I Peter 3.1, etc.)
Now if your children's father was singled out publicly or privately as "
unchosen," or some such nonsense, then fireworks are in order.
How about we all pray for your family?