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Old 06-07-2019, 04:00 PM   #18
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Default Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I have interpreted the foreknowledge and predestination of a loving God to remind me that He gets all the glory. I have nothing to boast in. I Cor 1.31 does not just apply to boasting in ministers (i.e. "I am of Paul"), but also boasting in ourselves. I have heard some dramatic testimonies over the years with the story-teller concluding how they chose the Lord. They received great applause. But predestination informs us, not so much that we did not choose to believe, but that all the glory is His.

This is how I have tried to reconcile this mysterious Biblical enigma. Stretching the understanding further seems to invite trouble.
Yes, not that any should boast! And I will pray. I fear joining an assembly which wholehearted believes these points might be allowing my kids to become indoctrinated in an error. I can only think such a stance would lead Christians to see the unsaved with a pessimistic lens.....'maybe that one is not chosen....maybe why bother?' Also, what a mystery! I mean, as sure as I am that His death and resurrection are for whomever will believe, I also completely see that yes, we were fore known, called into fellowship with the Son. But only because He came to me, but that was because I asked Him to show me, and that because of His mercy!

It is so easy to go too far. To state as scripture what may not actually be there. Or to discard any portion which doesn't match your personal interpretation or understanding. John 3:16, anyone? Kevin?
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