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Old 06-07-2019, 03:54 PM   #17
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Ohio
Posts: 488
Default Re: I need a church life that isn't led astray!!!

Originally Posted by byHismercy View Post
Please, brothers and sisters, what is your take? Where is the assembly without error?? I cannot seem to find them....I asked the Lord to choose the assembly, to take me to it. Please what would you do?


My take is this. The Lord said he would be sending us out into the world as sheep amongst wolves.

We're also commanded to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.

I don't believe this is just limited to the general populace, I also believe it applies to all groups we are surrounded by and religious congregations we fellowship with. Therefore, we shouldn't look for a certain congregation to be the salt and light for us, rather we as individuals should be the salt and light for the souls in these various church groups.

In other words, it's not what a church can fulfill for us rather it's what we can do for other people attitude we should be approaching with when looking for a group to fellowship with and the rest will fall into place. And of course as many already know here, this is assuming you already know it's the Lord Jesus Christ and his heavenly kingdom you're serving and not another man's fleeting movement on earth.

As I've said before, I do not believe there is a perfect church group out there. It's something the Lord is still working out and will only be fulfilled when he gathers all of his elect together from amongst the various congregations at the last day.

As adults, I do believe we should first be content within our own personal relationship with Christ before fully committing to fellowships so that no matter what happens we'll still have Christ. Sometimes I believe the Lord leads us out into the wilderness to establish just that.

Just think of what kind of Church Life Jesus had on earth. I imagine he often times felt lonely even amongst his disciples in the sense that he didn't have others that were able to fully relate and understand as he did. Yet, he still had his Father and the hope of his brethren one day becoming one with him just as he is one with his Father.
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