Originally Posted by byHismercy
I fear taking my kids into the same ol' same ol' direction where a deviation from scripture leads to wrong believing, wrong thinking, wrong actions. I mean, we all have seen it play out. There is a real and legitimate danger. And I believe when scripture said a little leaven leavens the whole lump He was warning us about leavened doctrine....and maybe other kinds of leaven that I do not see yet.....
Please, brothers and sisters, what is your take? Where is the assembly without error?? I cannot seem to find them....I asked the Lord to choose the assembly, to take me to it. Please what would you do?
Beware - if you ask 50 Christian's this question, you will get 35 different answers. Not that any of them are more wrong or right, but folks have different ways of solving problems such as this.
Now I'll give you my own answer: seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be added. The kingdom is near, it is in your heart and in your mouth. In is waiting. It can be found in that person nearby, the proverbial 'neighbour' who's perhaps asking the same questions as you.
Do not seek the kingdom ready-made in some 'proper church' but rather seek it not-yet-made-but-becoming in your fellows. At some point(s) it may assume fixed structure(s), but at others it may seem entirely fluid or even unknown.
If your children see you and your spouse consistently in love, cherishing them and each other and attempting to provide a safe and interesting family space, they will be encouraged to seek and follow and obey. And they will find spiritually oriented peers and mentors as well. God will provide.
On the LC we sang, "Home, home in the church/It is here that we've ended our search." That is a lie. Our home is with the Father in heaven. Jesus had no place to call home (Matt 8:20; Luke 9:58), neither should we. "My kingdom is not of this world". Yet Jesus consistently poured out the Father's love to all who drew near. How can we not but desire to follow, and imitate? And yes, it may be in some formal, structured setting. But it does not require one. Wherever you are, that is where you are.