Originally Posted by UntoHim
For 50+ years Witness Lee reigned supreme in the Local Church. There were no checks - there were no balances. There was absolutely no accountability. Even if he was wrong, Witness Lee was right. I am quite sure that Bill Mallon THOUGHT he was following the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ...and he may very well would have been...in his own heart and mind. But when push came to shove - when the rubber met the road...Bill found out that he was actually, and as it turns out, quite literally, following the person and work of Witness Lee. This stark reality hit him and hit him hard, as evidenced by the long letter he wrote to his "dear brother Lee". I cried the day I read this letter. I cried because I realized that I was just like Bill Mallon. I too thought I was following the Lord Jesus....but I was actually following a man. May God have mercy on us all.
I have to believe that Bill Mallon,
aron, I, and many others
were following the Lord Jesus Christ within the LC's. Then at some point Lee and his minions thrust their loyalty demands upon us.
Each one of us was then forced to make a decision. Would we then continue to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, or would we follow a man, serve a man, and become man-pleasers. Church history is filled with many cases such as our own. Indeed, perhaps every child of God faces this test, this fiery trial, in their Christian walk.
Every single faithful martyr faced this identical trial -- and chose Christ!
I believe the Lord allowed each of us, in our own time,
or perhaps His own time, to be confronted with this crucial decision. The Apostle Paul addressed this very decision in II Corinthians 10-12. He mentioned all sorts of pertinent criteria in following the leadership of ministers that we would remain as a "
chaste virgin to Christ." (11.2)
Peter said the "
proving of our faith was more precious than gold which perishes." Isn't it more distressing to see Christians who sail thru life without ever facing this trial?