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Old 05-29-2019, 05:54 AM   #5651
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: Politics and the Church

Pro-choice groups lost in Alabama despite outspending the pro-life side by 100-to-1

Regardless of how you think about Alabama's law, if you don't live in Alabama why should we care? It seems like those who oppose this law also oppose the principle of democracy.

I asked one woman who was being very vocal that if NY outlawed abortion but it was legal in New Jersey how inconvenient would that be? She agreed that going to NJ would not be an issue at all. Same is true of Conn. If the polls actually do favor abortion then what is the fuss, at least half, maybe 2/3 of the US states will not pass any laws. These people are very vehement about their right to an opinion on this issue, yet somehow don't think the citizens of Alabama have a right to theirs.

I see lots of signs from pro lifers saying "Its not your body". Well, it isn't theirs either.

In contract law you have the right to sign or not sign a contract. Complete freedom. But once you have signed you are obligated to that contract. This doesn't violate your freedom, it doesn't violate your rights. Why isn't it the same with a woman having sex. You have the right to refuse, you have the right to use various forms of contraceptives. But once you are pregnant how is that any less sacred than signing a contract?
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