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Old 05-26-2019, 02:17 PM   #9
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 717
Default Re: Bill Mallon's Passing

Bill Mallon has passed; and now both he and John Ingalls have gone to be with the Lord. Bill had suggested to me once that I write a narrative of my experience in the church life. I had another consideration that he thought would be good also, and that was to address The Fermentation of the Present Rebellion, and to do so point by point, concerning the late 80s turmoil in the churches. I began that day. It took two years to do but became a careful rendering of our church history that includes pertinent facts and important detail left out of the official version given to the church.

The book, Deviating from the Path in the Lords Recovery, does not mislead people. It has no agenda, its sole purpose is to tell people the truth by facing the facts of our history, which has been kept hidden. If the current leadership would respond well, their full repentance would be unto life in the whole Body of Christ.
then click on Witness Lee Button

What is well-worth noting is that the blending brothers ignore this type of appeal to them, and they do so for a reason. They are busy with more important matters to them than dealing with devastating misrepresentations of men and events, and the true causes of division. To be sure, brothers and sisters, they have no conscience (in operation) about their past, but there are many sources, including Bill Mallon's letter to Brother Lee, and John Ingalls' book, Speaking the Truth in Love, that shine ample light upon this dark chapter of our church history. Meanwhile, in God’s sovereignty, however, the brothers are determined to keep rolling, AND THEY HAVE DONE SO, positively, as if the past sins in the leadership have been put on hold.

Brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and their ministries have indeed been key to establishing a solid spiritual foundation for the blending brothers in their labor of love in many places around the world. Particularly, this is true in the Philippines, as I am finding out. I know that Bill and videos of saints raised up under the ministry brought to them through Live Webcast, trainings, conferences, and the labor of the blending brothers in their visits, who alongside dear Philippine leaders have been pouring themselves out in prayer and purposeful contact for many years.

If our hearts are for the Lord's interests, maybe we CAN rise up to acknowledge certain accomplishments of others, wherever they meet; humbly learn from them, and perhaps adapt for ourselves diligent practices of others that work well toward the increase, and for building up the Body of Christ - our goal.

FAC Fellowship among the Churches – Malabon, Philippines

“God’s Move in the Philippines” - History, narrated by Chris Wilde, LSM

I was in the Philippines in 2012 and made contact with several groups of born-again believers. I saw their needs both spiritual and practical, and am still in contact; so I have special feeling about their spiritual welfare and high appreciation for LSM’s efforts there and the spiritual impact they have contributed to greatly in the Philippines, as these videos and more indicate.
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