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Old 05-23-2019, 08:41 AM   #357
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Default Re: One Church - One City - Biblical?

The whole error with "the Recovery" is the belief that what God needs to do he can only do in "the Recovery," or by it, or through it. This shows a fundamental confusion about how God does things.

LRers point to the many great things they've seen and heard in "the Recovery" and conclude that it must be special and unique, and here their flawed concept of oneness is applied to support their idea that everyone else should join them.

But here's the truth. Each and all of us are in reality in the Lord's plan and purpose, and heirs of all he is, has and has done. But that does not mean that any of us or group of us have special status to own or wield those wonderful blessings in an exclusive or semi-exclusive way. The LR does not have proprietary rights to any of God's truth, even if its founder was the one who made that truth clearer than anyone had before. The truth is the truth and is owned by everyone. Just because God used you do reveal it does not make you owner of it.

Thus, anyone can fall out of grace, just like that. And anyone can jump into grace, just like that. Do you enjoy many of the truths you see in "the Recovery?" Great! But you don't need "the Recovery" to enjoy them. You just need 2 or more gathered in his name who are willing to enjoy them as well.

This is why I have a fundamental problem with those who feel they need to "fix" "the Recovery" in order to resume the blessing they once knew. Nothing could be further from the truth. (Sorry, Steve Isitt, if this still describes you.) If you believe such a thing is true, then it is still evidence you believe "the Recovery" is by its very nature special, which is the root of all its evil. By believing it you are empowering the very errors that you want to reform.

Take the truths you treasure and run with them. Find others and teach them what you believe. The Lord is not a respecter of persons or movements. He is able to produce children of Abraham from stones on the ground (Matt 3:9). There is nothing exclusively special about any subset of his kingdom. And to believe there is opens the door to serious problems. That's the folly of "the Recovery" in a nutshell. And it was that folly which actually thwarted whatever real good God wanted to do through Nee, Lee and their movement in the first place.
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