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Old 05-23-2019, 04:45 AM   #355
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Default Re: One Church - One City - Biblical?

Originally Posted by Jo S View Post
I guess where I was going with all of that was this; what do personal shortcomings or even issues of policy matter when both sides still adhere to the same core doctrine?

Even if you managed to pit all LCers against the Blendeds or against Titus Chu's ministry, false doctrine remains.

So is it Titus or the Blendeds that are separating people from Christ? Or is it the so called "vision of the age" both sides hold to? There have been multiple revisions to leadership within the LC's yet the foundational doctrines remain consistent.

By investing in this dichotomy of Titus vs the Blendeds, I just see it as maintaining the current division within the LC's rather than being a solution to it and as such ultimately distracting both sides from reconciling to Christ.

Shouldn't that be the goal?
Jo S apparently you came on board during this dichotomy. I left as it was ramping up. After I studied Brethren history, I realized the situation was incureable. The only healthy recourse was to leave. And slowly detox.
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