Originally Posted by Ohio
So true. And well said. I heard from both sides that I must "take a stand for the truth." But I loved brothers on both "sides." But don't let those "natural relationships" affect your decision. All sides were abusive, and sometimes abuse from a distance appears better than abuse up close. But weren't we only for Christ? For the truth? For the oneness? for the brothers?
Finally, after decades of devotion and loyal service, my wife and I stepped away and viewed the program objectively. Just too much dishonesty, unrighteousness, broken promises, and abuse hiding beneath all that "high peak" rhetoric.
Ohio, I haven't read much into this topic here so I wasn't sure if you were in agreement with Titus Chu being Witness Lee's successor as "Apostle" or MOTA but by your reply I can be sure which brings me to my next question;
I see you and others often using the excommunication of Chu as an argument against the ethics of the Blendeds but I hardly ever see arguments against the elevated position Titus Chu willingly fills if you in fact agree he is seen as the "next in line" to Witness Lee.
Why is that?
It's partially rhetorical but also genuine curiousity because I've not been as involved as you guys so I accept I may be missing something.