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Old 05-22-2019, 11:48 AM   #342
Jo S
Join Date: Apr 2018
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Default Re: One Church - One City - Biblical?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The British Exclusive Brethren had developed "MOTA" architecture decades before Nee devoured their ecclesiastic writings. They didn't actually use the term "MOTA," but rather "Oracle" or "Our Brother" or "First Among Equals," my favorite. Today the movement can trace their "Oracle" lineage back to Darby. Darby also developed their OCOC structures, or "one city, one assembly."

Darby was officially elevated in stature among their assemblies after his two chief rivals were publicly "lynched." I used the word "rivals" even though neither B.W. Newton nor G. Muller viewed Darby as a "rival." Nee and Lee viewed the "Recovered Church" from Martin Luther as always being led from age to age by one outstanding minister, as a modern day "Paul."

I found it interesting to note that both the Open and Exclusive leaders viewed Biblical authority through their pre-Brethren upbringing. Darby was an Irish Anglican priest, while Muller, Chapman, Chapman, and others had a Baptist background. Darby's Exclusive view of church oneness was similar to the Anglicans with member parishes under an overseeing regional bishop. The Open view of oneness was fellowshiping assemblies shepherded by local elders who only served God and served their church, yet opened their doors to all believers.

As numerous historians have noted, Darby and his successors had become far worse "Popes" than the ones in Rome they regularly condemned. Some have said the same of Anaheim. The parallels are striking. Same bad teachings produce the same bad results.
Apparently the behavior of elevating an individual to biblical status carries over into all segments of the Local Churches. This including the Midwest branches which I know from members own words that they view Titus Chu as a modern day "Apostle Paul".

I can't say if it's something that's insinuated or a cultural thing being imposed on scripture but from what I've seen, within the two factions, is a power struggle between a corporate Lee and Lee 2.0.

I see members here still choosing sides and it's what's keeping these two group in division. Young ones are hurting growing up within such an environment and perhaps struggle to understand why exactly that is.

I don't have all the details but it's plain to me they're both divided against each other because of misplaced loyalty in men other than the Savior.
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