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Old 05-20-2019, 05:28 PM   #328
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Default Re: One Church - One City - Biblical?

Here's a few other problems with the false one practical church per city doctrine as held by the LR:

Assuming there is one "practical" church per city, just where is it and how do you you know? How do you know who the true leaders are?

Several LR answers should be examined now:
1) The "the apostle appoints the leaders" doctrine. But that's just kicking the can down the road. Who decides who is the true apostle, if there are any? The basic problem is there is no way to establish in an absolute sense who the leaders in the city are. Each person must decide for himself or herself who to follow. Freedom of conscience demands this.

2) The "we were here first" aka the "squatter's rights" doctrine. I can't see that being first is anywhere a biblical principle. God is not a respecter of seniority.
But let's say a group was first. What is to stop a second group from saying, "Yes, you are meeting as the church in the city, but we feel you do so in name only and actually have a divisive spirit." Based on that registration of conscience, why is the second group obligated to submit to the first? Clearly there is absolutely no biblical reason that they should be expected to do so.

The bottom line is the one-practical-church-per-city doctrine simply collapses under the weight of its own contradictions and hypocrisies. It only works as a means of intimidating those naive individuals which a group of leaders wish to subject to themselves. It's an invalid and non-biblical means of lording over God's people. Those who abuse it will have to answer to the Lord for their error.

Last edited by Cal; 05-20-2019 at 07:26 PM.
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