Greetings saints,
Long time lurker, and I mean a very long time on this forum. I am still an LC member but have been interested in the history of the Lord's recovery. From reading all these posts on the forum,
I realised that there seems to be two perspectives on what happened in the history, which have brought confusion, especially to me. Yet, what's done has been done and it can never changed. All we can do now is move on and if there has been some wrongdoing on both sides, I really pray there can be reconciliation, so we all can get on with doing the Lord's work.
But I know that for some members back in those days, there was the real and sweet enjoyment of the Lord. For those who fall in that category (old that is

), I want to know what it was like, and what happened in history that caused all this to change? The history seems to cause contention for some reason, but I want to understand why it is so (admittingly, the LC history is a small stumbling block for me).
Also, if anyone has a recording/audio of Witness Lee's final message before he went to the Lord, can you link it to me or send it to me? I read a post on here about how the literal transcript and the edited transcript seem to give completely different ideas. I want to hear it myself. Chinese or English dubbed are fine, I understand both.
Much blessings to everyone. I might become more of a lurker than a poster but we will see. God bless!