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Old 04-16-2019, 10:23 AM   #12
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Default Re: Greetings from an LC member!


The fact is the LR has a very muddled relationship with true oneness. True oneness means receiving every believer according to Christ without doubt or disputations.

The LR has gone beyond what the word teaches in establishing its sectarian view on oneness. Members such as yourself can seen the duplicity, but are (understandably) ambivalent about what to do about it. One the one hand, you enjoy your church life, on the other hand, you see the hypocrisy.

If your leaders were honest and forthright and led according to the New Testament, they would humbly go out of their way to answer all public questions about the movement's highly suspicious history of sectarian and abusive practices.

But they are nothing like this. They have two-faces (at least). One which preaches mushy platitudes about oneness and receiving, and another which ruthlessly deals with anyone who rocks their boat. I tremble for those brothers when I think about what the Lord will say to them.

Many Catholics enjoy blessing in their individual churches. I have attended Catholic services where I sensed the presence of the Lord. But none of that excuses the history of Catholic leadership denying and covering up their sins at the expense of the victims. The same goes for the LR.
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