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Old 04-15-2019, 09:41 AM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 524
Default Re: Greetings from an LC member!

Welcome, Trusting! I hope you find some answers here, as well as fellowship. I relate to your experience, as I was in the same place as you in the past. I would just say that your assessments of the LC come across to me as a bit too rosy. For example, you say, "we read the ministry but there is no restriction on what you can read." I know that LC members like to repeat assertions like this. But what would actually happen if you actually did read ministry from other writers? What if you were to share from other teachers in a meeting, or suggested reading a book in a home meeting, etc.? What would happen? If you are honest with yourself, you would have to admit that the answer indicates there is restriction.

Also a fellow Chinese/English-speaker here. If you go to the recording that others have shared, you will find the audio quite clear. At the 2:28 mark, brother Lee says, "I hurt people" (我疼人). And, "I had a very painful repentance" (有很疼敷的悔改), "Now, I'm sorry, now I'm sorry to the body of Christ" (现在对不起, 现在对不起基督身体).

I don't have time right now to transcribe the whole thing (and I believe there is some kind of comparison out there, comparing the published version with the actual spoken statement), but brother Lee clearly remorse over divisiveness toward other believers.

Let us know if you have any thoughts after listening to the audio.
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