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Old 09-12-2010, 08:40 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: A blast from the past

Originally Posted by Roger View Post
When I first saw that article, it was showed to me in a kind of a hush-hush side manner. In later years I began to reflect on why, maybe, they didn't want the news of this article to be passed around. You see, if a member could be deprogrammed, then is must be that they were programed in the first place. If you are having "Christ dispensed into your being" as they claim, that is something that can't be deprogrammed out of you.

The little secret that they didn't want to get out is that the saints weren't really experiencing that much transformation from the constant flooding by Witness Lee's Ministry, through perpetual trainings, meetings, conferences, and pray-reading sessions. What was really going on is that their minds were being programed.
LSM leadership would like to keep the saints believing that their methods are in the realm of the "mystical." There's nothing mysterious about it. To a large degree, it is brainwashing. And, if the hard-drive can be programed, it can be deprogrammed. But that's not in the realm of the Spirit.
Having been raised as a Catholic........vain, repititious 'prayers' was a way of life for us. It meant meaning.

MOst of us experienced a great washing of our souls in the mid 70s when I came to the LORD JESUS through His drawing me to Himself. He used the LC saints of course to draw me.

The first time we called upon the Name of the Lord from a pure heart we were exhuberant. It didn't matter if we shouted or if we whispered His Name long as it was genuine and from a pure, Love filled heart. The scriptures became alive to us because the Spirit of Truth was revealing the WORD of GOD to us individually and corporately.

Many people truly experienced the beginning process of transformation. But it was quelched because calling on the Name of the Lord, pray reading, the meetings, the dress code, the LC language, the tone........all turned into a methodical mantra. It killed the heart of the saints. Furthermore, as we read scriptures, and life studies, we began to read, see and hear Lee's words...NOT GOD'S WORD.

That is why the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Joy, the Spirit of brotherly love left the LSM/LC. It became the spirit of Witness Lee.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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