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Old 03-21-2019, 12:18 AM   #133
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Lee and the book of Job

Originally Posted by Paul Cox View Post
Haven't had the time or heart to figure out what ya'll are fighting about. But I did go to the Life-study of Job, chapter 12. This caught my eye:

"Suppose there is a problem between you and your spouse, You should not do anything, for whatever you do will be in the realm of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You should simply pray-read Galatians 2:20."

I don't know, but in reading Paul he seems to talk about loving and submitting. Is that doing nothing but pray-reading? Address all your problems by just pray-reading scripture? I can't believe we fell for that sewer water for so many years.

Now if a couple will address all their problems only by pray-reading the bible, that will make their marriage only good within the context of the Local Church. It still doesn't teach them what it means to submit to and love one another.

If one is in the Local Church and the other one is not, the Lee zealot will address all issues by clinging to and pray-reading Lee's ministry. That only opens the gap bigger and bigger between these two Christian spouses. The one who clings to Lee's ministry will only grow colder and colder to the actual needs of the other. It solves nothing.

Lee's top lieutenants followed his prescription about praying-reading all problems away. That's why they were such a complete failure in dealing with those who disagree with them, both within and without. Except for trying to get everybody to agree with them, they have no other people skills. They can't claim to be "god-men." They haven't even learned yet how to be men-men.


Although this post doesn't touch much else that is on this thread, it stuck out to me so much. Many brothers "at the top", including many elders in the churches, not just the LSM upper echelon, haven't yet learned how to be men-men, much less God-men. While prayer is nothing to be scoffed at, it's like they think the fact that they prayed for something once means the entire situation is resolved and never existed. NOPE! You need actual skills to be able to deal with people and problems and issues. I cannot currently think of one single brother in the local church who has these critical skills.

From my perspective, in the LCs there is a serious dearth of ...... goodness, I was going to say one word, but realized there are so many words I could fill in there that I don't even have the mental energy to devote to it.
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