Thread: Lee's Trinity
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Old 03-20-2019, 08:34 AM   #239
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Default Re: Lee's Trinity

Originally Posted by aron View Post
You'll have to bear with me, but I've been communicating with other humans for all my life and have built up patterns and understandings that are hard to shake at this point. If I'm speaking with Joe, and he says, "Yesterday I was with Bill, and I gave him a coat", then that has a certain meaning. If then, they tell me, that really Joe is Bill and also the coat, then the sentence has no meaning.

The person, and the other and the object that passes between them are given distinctions.

Likewise, if I see, "I do the Father's will", then "I" and "the Father" are assumed by convention to be distinct. Or, "He sat down at the right hand of the Father", or "God raised him and gave him glory", or "This is My Son in whom I delight". In all these cases, if both parties are one and the same, the sentences have lost any conventional meaning.

How can Jesus sit on the throne as the Father, and walk about in the midst of the seven lampstands, which hold himself as the Sevenfold Spirit? It simply makes no sense.

"Well it's a mystery". Why even write words then if they have no meaning?

This is my problem too. If the Son IS the Father, then "I am in the Father and the Father is in Me" 1) doesn't mean anything and 2) isn't special or amazing or noteworthy at all. If the Son is the Father, then God's coinherence is meaningless. There have to be two distinct things, otherwise if you blend two things together that ARE each other, there is no realistic blending because it's the same thing. The CO of CO-inherence by its very nature implies two different things, otherwise you are just babbling.

"That they all may be one even as we are one" also loses its impact since there is nothing special about being one with yourself. And by extenstion this this means "that we would all be each other". It devolves into one big "HUH?"

The Bible and God are enough to wrestle with. There has to be a modicum of rationality.

I try to say these things to LCers sometimes and they are staunch defenders of Lee's view without the ability to even entertain anything else. I just got "you just don't see" as if I was short of the vision. I just thought, "I don't want to see if it means I have to suspend all logical thought".
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