Originally Posted by aron
I've told the story of an elder who tried to hold a regional conference after WL passed. LSM got wind of it when he called them up & tried to order 300 of a certain title. The Blendeds told him, "Re-speak the latest conference". I'll never forget the look on his face when he heard that. Sadness, discouragement, even disgust. At that point he'd been following WL's ministry longer than many of his new masters in Anaheim.
This was similar to my last meeting with "the brothers." Since Chicago sided with LSM prior to the official quarantines, TC sent all their FT-ers to TC-friendly locales. The one we got came in and decided to shake things up. In his own words, "
sometimes we need to shock the saints."
Being with the saints of different ages, I knew they wanted to all come together for the Lord's Table meeting. The new "master" from Chicago said, "No, we need numerous
"intimate" LT meetings instead." I protested. What the heck is an "intimate" meeting to remember the Lord? Thus we had 3 saints breaking bread in the dining room while another group was vacuuming the carpet. Real intimate! They looked electrocuted.
Sadness, discouragement, even disgust.