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Old 03-14-2019, 11:39 PM   #269
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Default Re: Nigel Tomes - LSM's Unorthodox Satanology

Originally Posted by Paul Miletus View Post
I believe the tree of knowledge of good and evil is "a physical thing with spiritual meanings".
You are slaughtering the text by allegorizing it. That itself is an insult to the patriarch Hebrew writer, Moses. Allegorical hermeneutics is obsolete; not if taken its proper use in applying to some other passages of Scripture. It might be trending for Witness Lee's time, but not for 21st century Christianity. It was Origen Church father who popularized the allegorical hermeneutics and later on it became so prevalent in church history. Lee was illogical inconsistent of his view on Sin and Satan. But anyway Paul Miletus, many members of the LC unequivocally claim that sin is literally Satan himself indwelt in human flesh from their spoken mouths. I have witnessed it firsthand. Because of Lee's eastern mindset and non-English-native language combine to make different conclusions on how his followers understood it. Maybe because their LC elders who are not biblically trained enough to exegete a particular passage, spoke loosely to the point of mishandling the Scriptures. They only rely the ready-made outlines, RcV Study notes, and Life-Study commentary coming from a publishing house called LSM which is actually for lazy elders who don't diligently study the Scriptures for themselves unlike the noble Bereans in Acts. 17.

Far be enough, Lee is no inerrant teacher. He has caused a lot of damage to the Body of Christ. Why would he be THE ONLY minister (of the Age) whom we should pay attention, to listen to?

Again sorry to say, Nigel Tomes, has also missed this wonderful truth from the Bible, and therefore, Nigel Tomes' writing is DEFECTIVE and LACKED SPIRITUAL REVELATION!
Mere assertions is no argument at all.

Evangelical: On the matter of Satan entering man, I was referring to Lee's teaching as unorthodox, not Christianity's, Lee said this:

"Satan entered into the human body to be the evil in man's flesh"

There is nothing in Genesis that says Satan entered the human body. So Lee is unorthodox.
Right on, Mr. Evangelical. Words from a LC member. It seems Paul Miletus can't run away this admission from another LCer. You admit Lee has erroneously dividing Scripture. I have never heard such a demonic doctrine from any contemporary Christian teachers such as R.C. Sproul, Paul Washer, John Piper, and the others that teach Satan is presently indwelling in our flesh whether be Christians or nonbelievers. It makes Satan sovereign and omnipresent spiritual being. It's just another eisegesis of Lee's making.

“We are not the lords over rules of interpretation, but must pursue scripture's interpretation of itself. . . This is everywhere a rule in scripture: when it wants to allegorize, it tells the interpretation of the allegory, so that the passage will not be interpreted superficiality or be met by the undisciplined desire of those who enjoy allegorization to wander about and be carried in every direction.

—St. John Chrysostom
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.”
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