Originally Posted by JLBW
I'm not sure if posting here had anything to do with what is happening in our life right now but we left our LC recently but last night we learned of gossip and are now being quarantined.....for leaving due to sexual abuse that we kept covered except for sharing with a few trusted friends. I guess it's time to make a formal announcement!?
Thankfully we are out but this song came to mind last night and I wanted to share.
Like Igzy said, be wise as a serpent,
JLBW. Seek wise counsel, and make sure your close friends and support system are on board. Pray much, that the Lord gives you clear leading. Do so as a part of your own healthy journey in the Lord, and not as retaliation.
If God is for us, whom shall we fear? And if the Lord allowed King David, a man after His own heart, to be exposed for every one else in history to see and to learn, then none of us can hide in the darkness with some "fig leaf" covering.