Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 03-14-2019, 07:34 AM   #407
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
What teaching could create such a dangerous system as the Recovery? Deputy authority. The teaching that one man on earth in every age stood in place of God to rule over others. Such a man alone had the oracle of God, and such a man alone was above reproach, the recovery's version of "the infallibility of the Pope." A recipe for abuse and corruption. The license to abuse others and personally escape all culpability. With these ingredients, abuse happens every time. With the Lee family, it was happening all the time.
Yes, the potential for corruption is built into the model. I've made the point before that corruption is inevitable in church group that operates under the deputy authority model, because (1) such power corrupts and, (2) once the corruption starts, the model must cover it up and destroy whistleblowers to preserve the image of the deputy authority, which the model needs to continue. So the very preservation of the model itself ensures someone is going to get run over.

In the LR, this is just part of the routine. Everyone there is either ignorant of it or in denial about it.
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