03-12-2019, 04:55 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,102
Re: Whistleblower
Originally Posted by JLBW
Maybe I should clarify? I'm good Drake. These enablers are helping me to speak out about abuse and that has set me free from a dark and lonely place. They are the real saints of God who have left a system of lawlessness that coversup sin. You have chosen to remain and I'd ask that you do something to protect all the sisters that are still meeting. How do you plan to not be accountable for the sin of your leaders now that you know it's current and ongoing? We all will answer for our choices. My choice to leave is my choice to stand against the sin. I still love the body but I'll never be ok with sin in my midst!
I pray you find the voice to call out the BBs about their complicity with sin. That would be a huge benefit to the LC. Maybe pray about that.
As for me , I'm living untothe Lord. I'm not wallowing in sadness. And no one on this board has discouraged me from that. Much to the contrary❤
Since you didn't want to know details I suppose you feel this has nothing to do with you. But Im not sure how the Lord feels....maybe check with Him. Are you accountable now that you know?
Amen and amen.