03-12-2019, 10:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 4,333
Re: How Much To Throw Out?
Originally Posted by eDh22
Confession. I do miss getting those AMENS several times a week. No one may have really been listening, I may not have really meant or understood what I said, but I was receiving affirmation that I belonged to a group...as long as I did funny-speak with them 
It took me a long time to decompress. Let me give a couple of examples that might help. - It took me a long time to understand I didn't need to get the pastors' permission on something I wanted to do, like start a bible study or some other act of service or ministry. They just don't have the same overbearing attitude. Leaders are servants, not lords.
- It took me a long time to realize that the Church is everywhere and that service can occur anywhere. It doesn't have to be in the context of an officially organized local church. The Church is much more fluid than that. So if you have a particular gift, you don't necessarily need to find a perfect way to fit it into your particular local church. You gift may be, and often is, better expressed in some ministry or service outside the jurisdiction of your particular church leaders. They may just not have a place for what you are best at. Don't worry about it! Find a way to use your gift among the Church-at-large, wherever that might be.