Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 03-12-2019, 09:34 AM   #383
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Whistleblower

This is what happened when the family of the abuser was protected. What has always amazed me is that these elders KNEW scripturally what they should do, but were directly influenced by Witness Lee's personal intervention via BP.

Post #27 below.

The Shameful Behavior Continues

Poster “Hope” has revealed his own name: Don Rutledge. I believe this is common knowledge now.

The posts below do not make it clear, but there were two instances of sexual immorality discussed below. Don Rutledge (Hope) revealed the first instance when Ben McPherson confessed to Ray Graver. I don’t have an exact date for the conversation among the 5 elders below, but it can be traced back to the approximate time that Ben moved to Tyler, which we also don’t have an exact date for. If someone has this date (Don?) please post it.

The second instance occurred quite a few years later, and was discovered in 1991. If not for Witness Lee, Benson and Ray, the sisters in Irving, Arlington, Dallas and Fort Worth would have at least known that there was a sexual predator among them. Instead, they never knew...until the unthinkable happened. How many sisters today know that there are sexual predators among them in the Local Churches????

…and the history of sexual sin and sexual abuse in the Local Churches continues.

The Public Square (
- Nee, Lee & the Church of Recovery

Ben McPherson had an affair with the wife of a brother he had served with in the Local Church in Houston, and then divorced his wife. When the affair was found out, she divorced her husband.

Ben is now married to his brother's former wife. She was my friend, my sister in the Lord, and a spiritual mother to me for years. Some of us tried to help rescue her, but we all failed.

We begged Benson Phillips to try and help rescue these two marriages too. Benson was close to all the parties involved and was responsible for a serious problem which only he could clear up. He was too busy. He had to fly off to spread the church life to Russia. KSA can tell you how well that went.

Ben's children and his brother's children all grew up together in Houston.

Nell 10-29-07 09:38
Quote Thankful: post #102

If anyone "in-the-know" in Texas had spoken out "negatively" about Ben M.'s condition many years ago when it was discovered, what happened to the brother who lost his wife might have been avoided.

Whoever knew and didn't tell bears a measure of responsibility in that situation since Ben M. was an elder and should have been publicly corrected. Ben M. might have even been helped. Instead, it looks like he was "protected" at his own expense and at the expense of the uninformed sheep.

No Christian likes to hear these kind of things about a fellow believer. But then again, neither does anyone like to hear a doctor say they have cancer.

If a doctor isn't willing to speak "negatively" when cancer is found, he plays a part in the outcome.


Nell 10-29-07 09:42
Hope: #103

Regarding Ben McPhersons immorality, this is the report from a first hand witness: Ray Graver was the first to know. He contacted Benson Phillips who called for an urgent gathering at his home with Ray, Joe Davis of Houston, Don Looper of Austin and Don Rutledge of Dallas. This occurred the morning after Ben was found out. All the brothers there were furious. Don Rutledge angrily declared that they had all been betrayed. All agreed that Ben should be publicly excommunicated and publicly rebuked that all may fear. All agreed that the Lord could not bless the church in Irving due to Ben’s sin. Ben had confessed to Ray that this sin was not a one time thing but had been going on for some time including when he was in Arlington. Ben also admitted that he knew the Church in Arlington had lagged the other Dallas area churches in blessing due to his sin. At that time, none of these brothers would sympathize with any immorality and especially from an elder or co-worker.

While they were meeting, Witness Lee returned Bensons urgent message. After about a 30 minute conversation, Benson returned to the room where the brothers were waiting, still in a state of shock and outrage. Witness Lee urged them to consider Bens family and the harm to them if he was publicly exposed. He urged them not to publicly excommunicate him but simply ask him to move away. That is what Ray and Benson decided to do. The other three had big reservations but deferred to the Irving brothers to take care of the matter.

But then the lying started. Many people began to call wanting to know what happened to Ben. Since Witness Lee, Benson and Ray had decided to keep the real situation under wraps, what where these brothers to say. Looper and Rutledge would say that something must have happened in Irving and they did not know for sure – A LIE. Benson and Ray told various stories, Ben wanted to get away etc and not to worry since he was in fellowship.

Witness Lee urged Benson and Ray to spend time with Ben and seek to recover him, but they were too disgusted to seek to contact him.

Yes the worldly wisdom from Witness Lee and the unfaithfulness of the five brothers led to more tragedy. All five have an account to give at the judgment seat.


In Christ Jesus there is hope for us all
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