Originally Posted by alwayslearning
This like of thing seems way too "spiritual" for me. If you're a doctor doing open heart surgery what does this kind of thing look like in application? Shouldn't you be setting your mind on the surgery?
Isn't real life more like before going in you might say a short prayer: "Lord I'm going in to do this surgery. Thank you for giving me a mind that could learn and practice medicine. I know I have the skill and knowledge to do it but I still want to ask you to be with me and give me wisdom. Give me patience with the nurses and other staff. Keep me humble under your guiding hand." And then you go in and focus 100% on the task at hand and give it everything you have to succeed?
I watched the movie, "
The Day Reagan Was Shot," and that is exactly what happened. These two Christian trauma surgeons prayed a short prayer as they were prepping for his surgery. The results were both miraculous and historical. Very few people realized that President Reagan, under "normal" circumstances, should have died. He was hit by a small caliber bullet and was hemorrhaging, the bullet just mm's from his heart, yet he felt no pain.