Originally Posted by alwayslearning
Per Nigel Witness Lee says:
“All day long we need to set our mind on nothing but our spirit. …learn to practice setting our mind on our spirit all the time. This …produces the growth of life.”
This like of thing seems way too "spiritual" for me. If you're a doctor doing open heart surgery what does this kind of thing look like in application? Shouldn't you be setting your mind on the surgery?
Isn't real life more like before going in you might say a short prayer: "Lord I'm going in to do this surgery. Thank you for giving me a mind that could learn and practice medicine. I know I have the skill and knowledge to do it but I still want to ask you to be with me and give me wisdom. Give me patience with the nurses and other staff. Keep me humble under your guiding hand." And then you go in and focus 100% on the task at hand and give it everything you have to succeed?
This is actually something that I could never figure out either, especially as a kid. How on earth are you supposed to do your homework while also having to keep conscious of the spirit or setting your mind on the spirit? It's like, how are you supposed to split your mind to focus on two things all the time - the spirit and the task at hand? It just didn't make sense, and was yet another thing in a long string of things that I didn't understand, was bewildered why I seemed to be the only one not understanding, and/or walked around feeling like a failure at. Yet another facet in the waste of what could have been a brighter, happier childhood.