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Old 02-14-2019, 05:09 AM   #554
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Default Re: The Asian Mind/The Western Mind

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I daresay there are also some LSM-affiliated believers in Sydney. But the very point of a local church has vanished, its ground. Its existence and identity are now tied to foreign affiliation, and foreign control. Isn't this what Watchman Nee decried 90 years ago? How can anyone be so blind as to not see this?

They go to the uni and tell students, "Oh, we're just Christians who love the Lord Jesus", and in the next breath they want to know who you're with - Cleveland Ohio or Anaheim California? What complete nonsense. The only ones who will swallow this are a few homesick Chinese. They may be foreign-controlled, but at least it's familiar culture.

But local ground? Please. Why continue the pretense?
Isn't our confession and faith about "reality, reality, reality"?
I checked out that link looking for the usual LSM boilerplate, and eventually discovered they were secessionists holding a conference with Titus Chu.

Of course, this was the real reason LSM had to purge TC from their "little body." He has followers all over (Austral) Asia. After Lee died, saints on the streets were muttering "Nee, Lee, Chu."
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