Originally Posted by Igzy
With all due respect to Drake, he reminds me of Vladimir Pozner, the Western-educated Soviet spokesman who, during the Cold War, was the voice of the Soviet Union in American.
Continuing with your Soviet-LC themes, I consider myself somewhat like
Whitaker Chambers. As a young man he was completely disenchanted with western capitalism, with all the excesses of the 20's becoming the depression of the 30's. The idealisms of Marx and Lenin captured his heart, viewing them to be the future of the world, solving man's every problem, and providing a glorious future to replace "poor, poor, capitalism."
Then the news of Stalin's purges at headquarters, forced WC into a serious period of soul searching. The apparent beauty of the communist ideals were merely fronts for totalitarian despots. WC's journey led him to Christ, and to risk his own life exposing other top level spies in FDR's socialist administration, notably Alger Hiss. WC's autobiography
Witness became one of the most influential books Ronald Reagan ever read, and crucial insight for his battle to take down the Evil Empire.