Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 02-03-2019, 09:06 AM   #361
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Glad to see you post again, Igzy.

Brother Drake has long since decided never to respond to my posts because I also address "the failures and abuses of Lee and his movement."

My personal feeling is that those senior LC'ers like Drake who have long witnessed the "the failures and abuses of Lee and his movement," have shipwrecked their conscience. (I Timothy 1.19)

With all due respect to Drake, he reminds me of Vladimir Pozner, the Western-educated Soviet spokesman who, during the Cold War, was the voice of the Soviet Union in American. Pozner was erudite, telegenic and likable. He spoke with a perfect American accent. He seemed, superficially at least, moderate and reasonable. But in fact, he was a hard-nosed apologist for the Evil Empire.

Once the Soviet Union fell, Pozner was free from his former dominators, and he soon confessed that what he did was wrong. "What I was doing was propaganda" he admitted openly. And that's what Drake is doing.

Pozner finally made peace with the truth. Like LCers, he was driven by fear of reprisal. We can only hope the same freedom awaits the LC propagandists, for their sakes, and everyone else's.
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