Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 02-02-2019, 04:35 AM   #355
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
...So, look, to the brothers and sisters in this forum I caution and advise each of you to consider this matter carefully knowing that there are grave consequences in this life in our christian walk and spiritual progress.... and at His judgment seat when He returns. If you read this, you, and I, are without excuse. This is not a threat, not a scare tactic, but a call to each of you to examine your heart and your words and the content of your posts in truthfulness and attitude before the Lord. If He judges your works, deeds, and words as worthy, you will receive a reward and if not you will spend time in outer darkness. The Lord's reward or punishment applies just as much to me as it does to you.

This is not a response to your post, but a critique. Posts like this one could better be received if they began with "I repent..." or "I'm sorry...".

That is, it would be more meaningful if you told us you had examined your own heart and your own posts on this forum before the Lord...if you had actually done that, of course...and that He shined his light on you, and He judged your posts as to truthfulness and attitude. The results were that your truthfulness and attitude came up short of the standard for believers. Specifically, you saw your own need to repent to those forum members you have offended. That you saw your own attitude and prayed that the Lord would change your heart.

Then, in the coming days, and future posts, we forum members would hopefully be able to see, as you begin to bear the fruit of your repentance, that you had a change of heart and attitude toward us.

This would go a long way in removing any logs which may exist in your own eye/s and perhaps would encourage and inspire each of us to go to the Lord, in like manner, as you did. It also would eliminate any noise of sounding brass and/or tinkling cymbals that may drown out your message.

Please accept this critique of your post as my response to the door you opened. To be honest and truthful, and perhaps blunt, this post came across to me as unnecessary. Your posts often throw the first tomato (as this one did), then comes the food fight.

So, having said that, in your call for us to examine ourselves, your call for us to change, you first, we will follow your lead.

I apologize, in advance, if my critique of your post is offensive to you. My message is actually the same as yours, just from a different perspective.

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